Factory Foote B6.4 Slipper Lockout


Factory Foote B6.4 Slipper Lockout. This slipper lockout uses factory top shaft. the 3 holes have been tapped for m3 bolts. This lockout is machined out of carbon fiber. Lockout has 4.25mm of surface area, keyed to top shaft. Included is a 3.5mm thick washer. No need to change the top shaft, when switching  from a slipper to lockout.

Needed to Complete: (3) m3x5 Button Heads, (1) M3x50 Button Head, (1) M3 Flanged Lock Nut

Note: I have tested this on a stadium truck with no failures in 30-40 packs. I did use blue lock tight on m3x5 button heads

Note 2: At some point, these will fail. I have had great luck. The factory aluminum lock out wears out. High bite carpet wears out every thing quicker.

5 in stock (can be backordered)
